– Morrorwind or Morrowind GOTY
I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know that we are still working feverishly behind the scenes to get everything up and going. I really like how the site design is coming along. Also because of our new host, we'll be able to offer you guys some neat little features - one of them your very own yourname@dreamcastersrealm.com email address! Also, we've just updated the site with another review! Go check it out!
I'd like to welcome Jim and Mr. Sweetcandy, our new DC Realm writers! Over the course of the next few weeks, you guys will get to know them more through their writings. Good luck, guys!
Yeah, that's right. We've finally stepped away from Tripod, and now we have our very own domain name! Like we've said, in the coming weeks we have some very exciting things planned. Stick with us because there are going to be some cool new features!
News - DC Realm change focus I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think the best thing for DC Realm right now is to shift focus from the Dreamcast to Sega as a whole. This doesn't mean that we won't continue to write about the DC, it just means that we will be able to offer you new, fresh content that you can truly use. Over the next couple weeks, I plan to really get some good articles on where Sega is headed and the state of their franchises. So kick back, and look forward to more great DC Realm action!
![]() sdfsdf